Sex : Neuter male
Born on : October 31th, 1997
Colors : brown blotched tabby
Father : GIC Ambient Muscadet
Mother : GIC Tassajara's W.W. Azariel
Pedigree : Click here
Ragnarök was to sleep on July 7, 2008 following a devastating renal failure. He fell asleep in my arms. The house will never be the same without this super affectionate cat, always by my side, adorable with kittens which he took care of perfectly.
Ragnarök was neutered on 25 November 2004, because of health problems.
Ragnarök is my first Swedish male. He is a very strong male,
with strong bone structure, much coat of excellent quality and a very triangular head.
He was a very good breeding cat, who has produced strong cats with good triangles like him.
His son Jericho, amongst others, carries on reproducing.
Other kittens of Ragnarök are present in some catteries :
Ungerio d'Hibernia - Heimdallr de Sylverik - Morgan av Skara Brae - Malakai av Skara Brae.
Many of his grand-children of Ragnarok carry on transmitting good breeding qualities.
Sarah Runzis
Cattery located in the Pays de Gex,
15 minutes from Geneva Airport.
Tel : +41 79 206 75 94 or + 33 6 25 95 93 26
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